me TROLL 1


Aku suka baca troll kat Facebook.


KampungChat pun banyak troller. Baru aku tahu.

Definisi troll di Wikipedia:

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. In addition to the offending poster, the noun troll can also refer to the provocative message itself, as in "that was an excellent troll you posted". While the term troll and its associated action trolling are primarily associated with Internet discourse, media attention in recent years has made such labels highly subjective, with trolling being used to describe intentionally provocative actions outside of an online context. For example, recent media accounts have used the term troll to describe "a person who defaces internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."

Menurut Encyclopædia Dramatica plak:

A Troll, most commonly encountered on the internet, is any person who purposely causes controversy in a web community (by posting offensive and crude comments or provides advice) and disrupts shit for his own amusement to prove how extremely corrupt our society is. The term troll is subjective. There are many characteristics of a troll. The retarded people of course don't want to hear how corrupt the society is getting, so they claim to not "feed the trolls" by ignoring them. Trolls have been referred to in the web community as, trollers, assholes, jerks, and scum of the earth douchebags. In reality, the real trolls are the people who ignore the so-called trolls who were only just trying to reveal the problems with society.However, that could have been avoided by the retarded if they were able to control their emotional immaturity and instead find ways to solve the social issue.


So, adakah korang seorang troll?

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